Hello: My name is Lee Capp, and this is my brand new blog. I've never been a blogger before, so please bear with me. As I fully expect my first attempts to be pretty rambling, that's what I've named it . . . Ramblings. It will be a little bit of everything, and a little bit ABOUT everything. No subject excluded. Religion, politics, movies, books - you name it. I'll always keep a civil tongue, and throw no bombs (for that we have cable TV news commentary) and at the end of the day, hopefully we'll all still be friends.
For those who don't know, and that's almost everyone, I am an author. I write mystery/detective stories with a twist of time-travel fantasy. Also beginning a series of "How To" books. My very first published novel is on Kindle and Smashwords (an ebook) for ninety-nine cents and free, respectively. The free one from Smashwords is obviously the better deal. It is called TIME ENOUGH TO DIE: THE WATCHMAKER - Book One. By Lee Capp. It's about a middle-aged and sort of "washed-up" detective named Johnny O'Brien. He is also a writer of mystery/detective novels. Unlike myself, Johnny is a multi-millionaire. In book one he get involved in an old serial killer cold case back from his police days, and is forced to enlist the aid of a young watchmaker named Matt McCabe. Lots of BGG (blood, guts, gore). Oh yeah, and there's also a beautiful lady cop named Linh Zhou and a grizzled old police chief named Howard Carter. Not to mention a magic pocket-watch with real attitude. It's a lot of fun.
Can't say anything more so as not to give anything away, but please check it out and leave a review. I have just finished the second of this series - ELLIOT BAY: THE WATCHMAKER - Book Two. It is with beta readers now and then on to formatting and cover design. Should be available in the same two venues in the next few weeks. I'll be announcing it here when that happens. The last in the three-book series will come out next year. It will be called THE RECKONING.
Nice to meet you all. New friends and old friends as well. This is the start of a journey. Like the one down the yellow-brick road . . . it's nice to travel it with people you care about. Take care now. Talk to you again soon. Please contact me on Facebook (Lee Capp - Author) and email at larrylcaplin@gmail.com
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